Click on a tag to jump to its section:
<html> |
<head> |
<body> |
formatting: <h#>, <p>, <br />, and <hr /> |
links: <a> |
lists: <ul> and <ol>
This lesson covered many things one needs to know to get a web page started; <html>, <head>, <body> and more -- including links to allow you to link to other pages, and create lists.
This is an easy one. Quite simply, the page should begin with a <html> and end with a </html> -- all other code falls between these two tags.
The main use of the <head> section is to put a <title> on the page -- one that shows up on the web browser's title bar or tab. Other uses are: definitions for a/an external CSS and/or JavaScript file (covered on other pages) and "meta" tags to define various bits of data, such as keywords, author, and more.
Click here for more information on <meta> tags used in the <header>.
All HTML code that does not go into the <head> section will go into this section. So, to take the first three points together, a basic web page structure looks like this:
Basic ways to format your page involve using some, or all, of these tags: the heading tags, of which there are six (<h1> ... <h6>), the paragraph tag (<p>), the line break tag (<br />), and the horizontal rule tag (<hr />). With the exception of the line break and horizontal rule tags (which are "self-closing"), all must be closed properly.
Firstly, the six heading tags:
The paragraph tag (<p>), is a tag with allows you to organize the text into, well, paragraphs. Each paragraph is separated by a line of whitespace.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
The line break tag (<br />) lets you insert one, or more, line breaks where you want them. Unlike the paragraph tag, it does not insert a line of whitespace.
This sentence
has a line break tag in it.
Finally, the horizontal rule tag (<hr />). All it does it draw a line all the way across the screen.
The <a> tag is used to create links to a file, a path/file, an URL, or an anchor within a page. It is used like this:
This method will only call a web page that is in the same path as the existing web page.Click here for more information on <a> attributes.
Lists are used to present data in an ordered way -- like I did in the links section, above. There are two types of lists: ordered <ol></ol> (using letter or numbers) and unordered <ul></ul> (using bullet points). In either case, each item in the list is enclosed with <li></li> tags. Usage:
You can nest lists, too. Nesting ordered lists do not automatically change the number/letter type for each level; they have to use the start="" attribute. Nesting unordered lists <ul> will automatically produce different bullet point characters for each level, up to three:
An ordered list using the start="" attribute (starting with 53):
An ordered list using the type="" attribute (lower case Roman numerals) and links:
Click on a tag to jump to its section:
<html> |
<head> |
<body> |
formatting: <h#>, <p>, <br />, and <hr /> |
links: <a> |
lists: <ul> and <ol>