Throughout this course, we have studied many things that will help is build a pretty decent looking web site. This specific site, my Final Project, is designed as a review and tutorial, of those topics.
Along the top of the page are links to pages discussing the various techniques and code used in those assignments that we completed. I refer to this area as the "Menu".
Opposite the Menu, at the bottom of the page, is an area I call the "Footer". In this area you will see things change. Most notable are the links for the current page's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. There is also a link that will display the original page(s) that I did during the class -- the ones that I submitted. Those pages are not modified (other than their "calling" HTML page links, where necessary.).
Through the use of JavaScript and CSS, the Menu and Footer sections will remain constant as you navigate this site (of course, the links in the Footer change). The original assignment pages are still treated as their own "sites", and therefore do not use the Menu or Footer; instead, they open in their own window/tab.
As any decent programmer/coder will tell you, it is good practice to re-use code; why reinvent the wheel? I have done so, to some small degree, here. Still, over 95% of the coding in these pages is "new" -- all done in Notepad++.
The following pages, accessed via the menu at the top or by the links which are the first-level bullet points, cover the the following items:
I am also using these pages to complete my NAUTILUS assignment. As such, near the bottom of the page, just above the Footer, I will detail what I learned while working on each assignment.
So, to begin: